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Easy Ways to Add a Touch of Style to Your Living Space

Living room decor

You probably spend a lot of time in your living room, either alone, with your family or with guests. So, it makes sense that you want to make this space cosy and stylish at the same time. 

After a certain period of time, you may feel that your living space is getting lifeless and you are looking for ways to breathe life into it again. There are a few things that you can do to make your living room appealing and attractive again.

Decorate with Fancy Cushions

Fancy designer cushions

Incorporating a few new cushions or changing the old with new ones can significantly spruce up your room. If you want to add a touch of luxury, there is a huge selection of fancy and striking designer cushions that you can choose from. If chosen correctly, decorative cushions can pull together all the elements of the room and will create a stylish and harmonious look.

Adding cushions is a great opportunity to add colour and texture to a room. That's why you don't need cushions that match your sofa as they will blend straight into the sofa and look like a lumpy bit of furniture. Instead, add pillows that complement other colours in the room and contrast well with the colour of your sofa. So, selecting your colour palette is also important. Pretty often, there is a whole lot going on in a living room, which can make things feel busy and mismatched. Therefore, select your cushions based on the colours that already exist in the room so that you can pull together all the busyness and help the existing colours to complement each other.

Designer cushions are available in different textures. Cotton and linen are one of the most common, as they are both hard-wearing and washable. Plus, they are natural fibres and this makes them more suitable for people with sensitive skin. Canvas cushions are also a great choice. They are hard-wearing and come in a stunning array of colours.  

Feel free to mix up the size and shape of your cushions. For instance, buy two different-sized cushions in the same patterned material and add in some solid colours. Alternatively, if you are good at identifying and sticking to your colour palette, you can also mix up a few different-coloured cushions and make them fit together really well. 

Add Some Abstract Art

Abstract art in interior decor

When looking for a way to add a touch of style to your home, adding some abstract art is definitely one of the top choices. If you already have several pieces in your home, you may want to consider replacing some of them with something new. As art comes in many shapes, sizes and expressions, you will certainly find something that will fit perfectly in your room. There's also the option to buy art abroad, but if you choose this option make sure that you avoid impulse buying. Ask questions, set a budget, and buy only what you really like. Choose artwork that brings out and complements your current interior, but also one that creates the right tone in the room.

Embrace a Mix of Textures

Stylish interior decor

The living room has to be a comfortable and attractive space, which in turn means that it should be tactile. Adding different textures helps to make it look more expensive and feel cozier. So, aside from the pillows, don't be afraid to throw in chunky knit throws, blankets and some luxurious drapes. This way, you will make your space feel more like home and all these items will add an extra layer of style. A great role here can also play an area rug or an oriental carpet. It can be the textural focal point you build around.

Choose a Unique Centrepiece

Interior decor

Centrepieces have a unique way of making a statement in the room they're placed in. Hence, when looking for a way to add a touch of style to your home, centrepieces are something that should definitely be considered. Some great ideas that you can choose are floral displays that consist of fresh or artificial flowers, unique vases, sculptures, and similar. Choosing something that is a good size for the table you are placing it on and complements it is what you should be going for.

What makes a good centerpiece? - you may ask. Generally, mixing short and tall centrepieces will make the room feel more vibrant and full. For tall centrepieces particularly, the added height will help to make the room more elegant. However, be careful and make sure that you use them properly because you don't want to block the line of sight.

Use Lamp Lighting

Lamp lighting in interior decor

It is a fact that lighting plays a big role in making any living room cozier. Floor and table lamps will provide a break from the harsh light of ceiling lighting. So, turning the main light off and using a number of lamps instead will make the living room feel warm and inviting. There are many living room lighting options to choose from that will both complement your living room look and make a pleasant atmosphere when needed. 


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